User talk:Ryudo
Where to check revision info.
Hello, you asked me to check the revision info of my build, but I can't seem to find that info anywhere in pcsx2. Where do you find it?
My built is the 13, May, 2014 from this thread:
It's probably best to download from the Buildbot site as that has the latest version and proper build numbers as well. (ignore the 1.2.1, it's actually 1.3.0) so in the case of writing this post, the latest version is 1.3.0-702
Ryudo (talk) 07:21, 24 November 2014 (UTC)
Steambot Chronicles & Shadow of the Colossus galleries
Hey do you own Steambot Chronicles? If you do, please take some screenshots. The one in that page are laughable. I own it but I'm too lazy to get some screenshots. :P
Also, do you know if this wiki has formatting guidelines? Because the Shadow of the Colossus page is the only one I've seen where the gallery is in the middle of the page instead of at the bottom. O_o
If there isn't any guidelines, I suggest you get with User_talk:Ngng and draw up some. I specially love the way you do subpoints on your specs when filling in your game tests.
Cheers! --Karasuhebi (talk) 11:06, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
- They are indeed quite bad..... they're not even screenshots lmao. The bot probably messed up with SoTC, you can move it to the bottom of the page if you want.
I'm still fiddling with the image template atm. It's not working the way I want it to be working lol. But I have to leave for a bit now, so I'll fix it up later. Until then I reverted back to the default gallery. -- Ryudo (talk) 11:26, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
- SotC gallery moved. :) --Karasuhebi (talk) 12:00, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
- Thanks for adding proper screenshots to the Steambot Chronicles page!! Karasuhebi (talk) 18:44, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
File upload and deletion
Hey do you know how to delete files? Because there's a bunch of pictures in here that aren't being used:
Also, do you know if we have some sort of mass upload feature? If we don't, we should get one of these:
--Karasuhebi (talk) 12:35, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
- I've already tried PM'ing Bositman about other stuff but he hasn't answered. Would you mind PM'ing him about the mass upload thing? :D Also, we should poke User:Ngng about deleting some of the files on unused files page. And who are you talking to about screenshots? I just added like 30 or something lol
- --Karasuhebi (talk) 12:58, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
Editting the New Game Article template
Do you think we should edit the new article template to include the most-used categories (trivia, gallery, etc) in the order they should be in? --Karasuhebi (talk) 13:28, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
- We could make them optional by commenting them out though, like we do with the issues section. Also what do you think about making a template for companies? (developers & publishers) --Karasuhebi (talk) 13:37, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
- I've added publishers to the
page of the current existing template for that. People will still have to fill out a company manually, but at least the|publisher
section is there now. Btw, I added some ACTUAL Steambot Chronicles screenshots to the page. (UPDATE) - Ok you're right. I just noticed the New Game Article Template. I've updated that as well to now reflect those new sections. -- Ryudo (talk) 12:04, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
- I've added publishers to the
- Thanks again for adding some screenshots for Steambot Chronicles, much appreciated! Why did you decide not to make a template for companies? It would certainly make my life easier when creating those pages. It was a pain in the ass to make the Sony one, and I still think it needs some work. I just don't know what to add :-\ A template would help guide me I think.
- Also thanks for adding the suggested sections to the new article template, everything looks good now. I have one question though: why did you decide to go with screenshots instead of gallery? Are you not planning on adding in video thumbnails at some point like on the Dolphin wiki? --Karasuhebi (talk) 18:49, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
- Actually Dolphin has gameplay videos in their own category;
Gameplay Videos
on their game pages. So you'd still getGallery
or something along those lines, but never together in the same category. Screenshots is more fitting for images... since they are indeed screenshots and not random image galleries. -- Ryudo (talk) 20:19, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
- Actually Dolphin has gameplay videos in their own category;
High resolution covers with side included
Where are you getting these? They're great! --Karasuhebi (talk) 20:15, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
- I just fetch the fullsize cover from Google Images and then I modify it in Photoshop to remove the back cover and also resize it to 1500x1900px. -- Ryudo (talk) 20:19, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
- Take a look here Cover Galaxy. I got many of the covers i uploaded from there, but i did not know high res images are preferred thinking the size would be a problem.
- Also check this Riot, amazing tool to shrink the size of photos without losing too much quality. --Joder666 (talk)
- Thanks guys! --Karasuhebi (talk) 08:10, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Auto Update template
@Ng: Yeah I know, that's why I kept the 'manual' style around as well. It's only for games that I frequently play on various versions of PCSX2. (aka when I update to a new version, to automatically update the version for that test case as well.) But for new games, or old games that I haven't tested yet on newer revisions I'll still be using the manual method. -- Ryudo (talk) 17:54, 21 June 2015 (BST)
Mister Mosquito
Hello, Hi have noticed you're change of my "Know issue" and read you're note. I don't speak english verry well and i don't know how to respond in the "view history". The VU Cycle Stealing is a "Speed" Hack but i agree is still a Hack. For the "Impossible blend for D3D: (Cd - Cs) * As + Cd" it's verry simple :the message appear always in the console of PCSX2 when you look you're file because a huge memory card Ps2 is display in 3D but too much black(cause by abscence of blend). Sofware renderer don't change anything and this issue is verry minor fortunately because all memory card Ps2 official is almost entirely black.
--Red-mecanic 01:52, 05 March 2016 (BST+1)
Network Access Disc
Hi, you added a test report for Network Access Disc a few months ago, but you left the region set to NTSC-U even though it is a PAL-only release. Did you forget to change it to PAL or did you mean to add a test report for the NTSC-U release(Network Adaptor Start-Up Disc)? --FlatOut (talk) 12:10, 23 November 2016 (UTC)
Spider-Man 2
Hi, Ryudo. I'm going through games and figuring out whether certain issues still apply to them. One of them I came across was the out of memory issue for Spider-Man 2, and I was wondering if you think it's still an issue or if there's any discussion on the Github. I have Spider-Man 2, but I don't have the time right now to try reproducing the issue. All the best, TheTechnician27 (talk) 01:32, 2 April 2024 (UTC)