Network Access Disc

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Network Access Disc

Game general and emulation properties:
PEGI rating: 7+
Widescreen supported natively
Languages supported:
English: SCES-52677 & SCES-51578 & SCES-51003
German: SCES-52677 & SCES-51578
French: SCES-52677 & SCES-51578
Spanish: SCES-52677 & SCES-51578
Dutch: SCES-52677 & SCES-51578
Italian: SCES-52677 & SCES-51578
Swedish: SCES-51578
Danish: SCES-51578
Finnish: SCES-51578
Norwegian: SCES-51578
Portuguese: SCES-52677 & SCES-51578
Region PAL:
Serial numbers: SCES-51003 (Version 0.02)
SCES-52677 (Version 1.02)
SCES-51578 (Usually with network adapter, versions 1.03, 2.00, 3.00, 4.03, 6.00)
Release date: 2003
CRCs: A036B98C (for SCES-51578 (V4.03))
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?

Developer(s): Sony
Publisher(s): Sony
Genre: Tools, Demo
Game description: This is the European version of the installation disc for setting up the Playstation 2 Network Adapter. The disc's purpose is to install a file on your Memory Card containing connection settings, which will then be accessible by various games that had online capabilities. Aside from that it also contains some instructional videos on how to properly install the Adapter onto your Playstation 2 console.

Test configurations on Windows:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
PAL Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (SP1)
  • Intel Core i5-4670K @ 3.40 GHz
  • AMD Radeon R9 280 @ 3 GB
v1.5.0 (dev-655 g0de8f4a) GSdx 1.1.0 AVX2
  • SPU2-X 2.0.0
  • LilyPad 0.11.0
BIOS: USA 2.30, Not much to say... it has no purpose on PCSX2, because you don't have a need for the bulky Network Adapter. (It also says it doesn't detect the adapter for obvious reasons). Other than that; the disc does what it's supposed to. Shows the instructional videos, and tells you how to install the adapter. Ryudo
PAL Windows 10
  • Intel i5-6500 @ 3.20 GHz
  • AMD Radeon R9-390
1.7.0 dev1294 GSdx 1.2.0 build-in Tested V4.03 -- it works. I was able to generate the network config needed for other games. Note that PCSX2 V1.7 needs npcap installed for connectivity. The 'Central Station' servers that the disc can connect to were shutdown back in 2015, so that function of the software just hangs. McQueen

Test configurations on Linux:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
? ?
  • ?
  • ?
? ? ? There are no test results for this game on Linux.
You can help by playing and submitting your test results here.

Test configurations on macOS:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
? ?
  • ?
  • ?
? ? ? There are no test results for this game on macOS.
You can help by playing and submitting your test results here.


Gameplay Screenshots