Tales of Legendia

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Tales of Legendia

Game general and emulation properties:
CERO rating: A
ESRB rating: T (Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes)
GRB rating: ALL
Game supports headset
Widescreen patch available
Languages supported:
English: SLUS-21201
Japanese: SCAJ-20145 & SLPS-25533 & SLPS-73242
Korean: SCKA-20050
Region NTSC-U:
Serial numbers: SLUS-21201
Release date: February 7, 2006
CRCs: 43AB7214
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?
Region NTSC-J/C/K:
Serial numbers: SLPS-25533
SLPS-73242 (PlayStation2 the Best)
Release date: August 25, 2005
October 12, 2005 (Korea; Korea)
June 29, 2006 (PlayStation2 the Best)
June 5, 2008 (BigHit Series, Korea)
2006 (Asia)
Windows Status: ?
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?

Developer(s): Namco
Publisher(s): Namco (JP, US, AS), SCEI (KO), Namco Bandai Games (JP)
Genre: RPG
Wikipedia: Link
Game review links: Metacritic72/100
Game description: Tales of Legendia is a fantasy role-playing game that continues the Tales series of games. You can play as Senel Coolidge, who encounters a giant, mysterious ship while adrift in a small boat with his sister. As you explore the history of the ship, you will encounter epic enemies and engage them using the "X-LiMBS" battle system, which lets you fight in real time like in a fighting game. The story is beset with unique characters designed by the animator featured in Kill Bill Vol. One.

Test configurations on Windows:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
  • AMD Phenom X4 9850 (2.5Ghz)
  • Radeon HD6870
0.9.9 r5277 (svn) GSDX r5304
  • SPU2-X r5259
  • Lilypad r5258
BIOS: USA v2.00, HACKS: INTC Spin Detection: Massive FPS improvement, highly recommended. MTVU: Can provide a small FPS boost in battles where it's needed most. Recommended for 3-core+ CPU's., FPS tends to be much lower in battles. Good processor is highly recommended for this game, particularly for MTVU., EE runs at ~100% majority of the time in battle and FPS often dips into the 40's with enough enemies on screen, even with hacks. DFLX

Test configurations on Linux:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
? ?
  • ?
  • ?
? ? ? There are no test results for this game on Linux.
You can help by playing and submitting your test results here.

Test configurations on macOS:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
? ?
  • ?
  • ?
? ? ? There are no test results for this game on macOS.
You can help by playing and submitting your test results here.


  • Original names: テイルズ オブ レジェンディア (SLPS-25533) & (SLPS-73242), 테일즈 오브 레젠디아 (SCKA-20050)

Known Issues

Menu Z-order

  • Status: Active
  • Type: Minor
  • Description: Some menus have incorrect z-order, causing them to be displayed behind other panels instead of in front. This only occurs with one or two very minor menus, and only in hardware mode.
  • Workaround: Run in software mode if it bugs you that much.

Public compatibility forum links