Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex

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Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex

NTSC-U (Greatest Hits) cover
Game general and emulation properties:
ESRB rating: E (Mild Violence)
PEGI rating: 3+
OFLC rating: G
GRB rating: ALL
Widescreen patch available
CPU intensive game
Languages supported:
English: SLES-50386 & SLUS-20238 & SLUS-20238GH & SLUS-29010
Japanese: SLPM-74003 & SLPM-62114 & VW067-J1 & VW067-J2
German: SLES-50386
French: SLES-50386
Spanish: SLES-50386
Dutch: SLES-50386
Italian: SLES-50386
Korean: SLPM-64509 & SLPM-64513
Region NTSC-U:
Serial numbers: SLUS-20238
SLUS-20238GH (Greatest Hits)
SLUS-29010 (Demo)
Release date: October 29, 2001
2002 (Greatest Hits)
CRCs: 103B5706, 75182BE5
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: Playable
Mac Status: ?
Region PAL:
Serial numbers: SLES-50386
SLES-50386-P (Platinum)
Release date: November 23, 2001
October 11, 2002 (Platinum)
CRCs: 3A03D62F
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: Playable
Mac Status: ?
Region NTSC-J/C/K:
Serial numbers: SLPM-62114
SLPM-74003 (PlayStation 2 the Best)
VW067-J2 (PlayStation 2 the Best)
SLPM-64509 (Korea)
SLPM-64513 (Korea)
Release date: December 20, 2001
October 17, 2002 (PlayStation 2 the Best)
March 28, 2003 (Korean)
CRCs: F8643F9B
00A074A7 (SLPM-64513, Korea)
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?

Developer(s): Traveller's Tales
Publisher(s): Vivendi Universal Games (US), Universal Interactive (EU), Konami (US, EU, JP), HanbitSoft (KO)
Genre: Action, Platformer
Wikipedia: Link
Game review links: IGN7.4/10, Metacritic66/100
Game description: The fifth Crash adventure features engaging gameplay, quirky characters and exotic locales. Still smarting from his last defeat, Dr. Neo Cortex has developed a new diabolical plan to steal ancient crystals and unleash destructive gods on Crash and the planet Earth. With Crash and his sister Coco, it's now up to you to find and return all the crystals across dangerous levels, including a volcanic island, a Japanese village, and the jungles of Africa. You'll find many ways to move around, whether you maneuver a Jeep, fly a hang glider, or pilot a Crash-Mech. But don't marvel too long at the new inventions, because you might find yourself in a heap of destruction.

Test configurations on Windows:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
  • Intel® Xeon® Processor E5410

(12M Cache, 2.33 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)

  • ATI Radeon HD 5770
PCSX2 GSdx 4643
  • SPU-2 r4619
  • LilyPad r4484
BIOS: SCPH39001, HACKS: Works with all speedhacks., Works perfectly except for a flickering filter. The vehicle sections on levels 17 and 24 are nearly unplayable due to graphical artifacts covering the screen. Enabling MTVU causes a slowdown instead of a speed up. MyDreamName
NTSC-U Windows
  • Intel Core i7 @ 3.4Ghz
  • Nvidia GTX 285 768MB
1.1.0 r5576 GSdx 5570 SSE41
  • SPU2-X 2.0.0
  • LilyPad 0.11.0
Runs above full speed., Draw distance is bugged in gsdx hardware mode. Looks fine in software mode.
PAL Windows
  • Intel Core i7 @ 3.8Ghz
  • Nvidia GTX 570 1368MB
1.1.0 r5829 GSDX
  • SPU2-X
  • ?
Europe v01.70(27/02/2003), MTVU, INTC Spin Detection, Enable Wait Loop Detection, mVU Flag Hack, Still Playable. Game works fine at a good speed. I believe in the later stages (some of) there is an overlay of corruption which can be solved with software mode or somewhat with skipdraw, but i can't remember the setting for that.
NTSC-U Windows 7
  • AMD FX 6300 @ 4.4Ghz
  • AMD Radeon HD 7870
1.3.0 GSdx
  • SPU-2-X
  • LilyPad
Game works very well. It's pretty demanding, but EE cycle rate hack will help. MTVU will cause slowdown in some areas, and is not recommended. A few levels require software mode, but most are fine in hardware. Blyss Sarania
PAL Windows 10
  • Intel Core i7-4700HQ @ 2.4Ghz
  • NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M
1.4.0 GSdx10
  • SPU-2-X
Completed the game, game runs at full speed when using the GPU and Direct3D11 (Hardware). Levels 17,24 (the dark part) needed OpenGL (Software) and had a small slow down. Also used MTVU with no problems. Falcon
NTSC-J Windows 10 Home, x64
  • Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G2030 @ 3.00GHz
  • PALIT GeForce GT 1030 @ 2 GB
Nightly - v1.7.2133 GSdx build-in Europe v02.00(14/06/2004), Playable, The game runs at 1080p (HD) 60 FPS without brakes and bugs.
NTSC-U Windows 10 Home x64
  • Intel Core i5-3570k (3rd gen) @3.4GHz (Overclocked to 4.7GHz)
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
1.7.2672 (SSE4) GSdx 1.2.0 SPU2-X v2.0.0 Xaudio2

LilyPad 0.12.1

Glitchy overlay in dark levels (Droid Void, Crate Balls of Fire, Knight Time) which essentially makes the game unplayable in hardware mode, so I used software for these levels. Fog doesn't appear in Smokey and the Bandicoot and Force of Nature; in the latter level, you can see scenery pop-in where the fog would normally cover it. Speedhacks make the intro cutscene desync with the audio (I initially EE Cyclerate at -2 and EE Cycle Skipping at 2, but disabled them after the intro). Full speed. Fully playable (I completed the game 106%). PandoraGTX

Test configurations on Linux:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
PAL Linux 4.2 (Ubuntu 15.10)
  • AMD FX 4300 @ 3.8Ghz
  • NVidia GT730
1.4.0 GSdx
  • SPU2-X
  • OnePad
This game works very well, with slowdowns to 40fps, but usually hitting 60fps. The EE cycle rate hack really helps in most cases with the slowdowns issue. At times, there can be some graphical bugs in some levels, especially with the fog effect. wiltaprizes
NTSC-U Manjaro KDE
  • Intel i5-6500 (4) @ 3.600GHz
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
1.7.2678 Nightly GSdx 1.1.0 AVX2, OpenGL (Hardware)
  • SPU2-X 2.0.0
  • LilyPad 0.12.1
Game runs fine with default settings Zeron21

Test configurations on macOS:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
? ?
  • ?
  • ?
? ? ? There are no test results for this game on macOS.
You can help by playing and submitting your test results here.


  • Original names: クラッシュ・バンディクー4 さくれつ!魔神パワー (SLPM-62114) & (SLPM-74003), 크래쉬 밴디쿳: 마왕의 부활 (SLPM-64509) & (SLPM-64513)
  • Also known as Crash Bandicoot 4: Sakuretsu! Majin Power (JP)

Fixed Issues

Broken refraction effect

  • Status: Fixed
  • Type: Minor
  • Description: Some surfaces, like ice, have broken refractions, like in the bonus stage on level 1.
  • Workaround: Update to the latest nightly version of PCSX2.

Glitchy overlay

  • Status: Fixed
  • Type: Major
  • Description: The screen is covered in glitched graphics in dark levels (Droid Void, Crate Balls of Fire and Knight Time), essentially making the game unplayable. There is also a glitchy overlay when using the submarine in water levels, but the game is still playable when it is on screen.
  • Workaround: Update to the latest nightly version of PCSX2.

Fog and water effects broken

  • Status: Fixed
  • Type: Minor
  • Description: Fog and water effects do not have the correct colors (most visible in Smokey and the Bandicoot and Force of Nature, which have black backgrounds).
  • Workaround: Update to the latest nightly version of PCSX2.


Public compatibility forum links