Katamari Damacy

Revision as of 15:24, 22 September 2009 by (talk)

Genre: Action

Test configuration on Windows:

Katamari Damacy
PCSX2 version: r1736
Graphics by GDSX 10: r1650
Sound by SPU2-X: 1.2.0

Comments: Requires MicroVU for VU0 and VU1 to remove onscreen garbage. Status flag hack must be DISABLED. EE 1.5x, INTC Sync, idle loop fast-forward and one level of VU cycle stealing all work with no problems.

Test configuration on Linux:

PCSX2 version: untested
Graphics by ZZogl: untested
Sound by SPU2-X: untested

PC specs used to test the game:

CPU: Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz
GPU: Geforce 8800 GTX or faster