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This template is used as an issue entry. It includes the following variables:

  • IssueName: The name of the issue (should be present)
  • IsFixed: 0 or 1 (is this issue already fixed and listed here for historical reasons) (can be omitted)
  • IssueLevel: -1,0,1 or 2 (severity level: note, minor, serious and major accordingly) (can be omitted). You can use notes to store some valuable info to avoid obvious issues.
  • AffectedVersions: Which game versions are affected by this issue (can be omitted)
  • Description: Issue description (should be present)
  • Workaround: Issue workaround (can be omitted)
  • FirstTestedOn: The version of PCSX2 this issue was originally discovered on by the tester.
  • LastTestedOn: The latest version of PCSX2 that this issue was tested on.

Usage example:

==Known Issues==

|IssueName=Auron Look!
|Description=Game crashes during the introduction of the game, right after Auron states "Look!"
|Workaround=May need a correct ISO, don't use virtual mount software either.


Known Issues

Auron Look!

  • Status: Fixed
  • Type: Severe
  • Affected Game Versions: All
  • Description: Game crashes during the introduction of the game, right after Auron states "Look!"

|* Workaround: Update to the latest nightly version of PCSX2.

  • First tested on: 1.4.0
  • Last tested on: 1.7.1234

Blank Template

  • Status:

|* Workaround: