Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

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Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

North American box art
Game general and emulation properties:
CERO rating: B
ESRB rating: T (Violence)
PEGI rating: 12+
OFLC rating: M
Game supports harddrive
Progressive scan supported
Hardware rendering is supported
Supports up to two local players
Languages supported:
English: SLES-54085 & SLUS-21317
Japanese: SLPM-66409 & SLPM-66854
Region NTSC-U:
Serial numbers: SLUS-21317
Release date: June 13, 2006
CRCs: 72CE7A78
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?
Region PAL:
Serial numbers: SLES-54085
Release date: July 7, 2006
2006 (Australia)
Windows Status: ?
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?
Region NTSC-J/C/K:
Serial numbers: SLPM-66409
SLPM-66854 (Best Price)
Release date: May 25, 2006
November 15, 2007 (Best Price)
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?

Developer(s): Capcom
Publisher(s): Capcom (JP, US, EU), THQ (AU)
Genre: Compilation, Fighting, Arcade
Wikipedia: Link
Game review links: IGN8/10, Metacritic79/100
Game description: The definitive Alpha Collection comes together with five prized fighters united for the first time. Street Fighter Alpha Anthology is a perfect compilation of Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold and Street Fighter Alpha 3.

Test configurations on Windows:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
NTSC-U Windows 7 64-Bit
  • Intel i7 @ 3.4Ghz
  • Sapphire R9 290X 4GB
1.2.1 r5873 GSdx 10 (Software)0.1.16 r5875
  • SPU2-X r5875
  • Lillypad 0.11.0 r5875
Games initial menus worked fine in Hardware mode, once I picked a game to play (Aplha 2w) it would not render. Switch to software mode and it works flawlessly. Not rendering probably due to the fact the games are not ports but emulations. Bios v 2.0 was used. Zrooney
NTSC-U Windows 10
  • Ryzen 5 3600 @ 3.6 Ghz
  • GTX 1650 Super @ 4 GB
1.7.0-dev-1526 Built-in (AVX2) (SW) Built-in Games run fine, without any graphical glitches or slowdowns noted in SW mode. In HW mode, games experience lots of graphical glitches and slowdowns, so stay with SW for this one. Also, HDD functionality works as expected. Maxdlpee
NTSC-J Windows 10
  • Ryzen 5 3600X @ 3.6GHz
  • GeForce RTX 2060 Super 8GB
1.7.2420 Built-in (AVX2) (HW) Built-in Games initial menus worked fine in Hardware mode, HDD installing works fine once formatted. Games have graphical glitches on any upscaling mode other than the native res. Bios v 2.0 was used. Gameboi64
NTSC-J Windows 11
  • Ryzen 5 5600x @ 3.7Ghz
  • Radeon RX 580
1.7.4100 Software Built-in Software rendering with 0 extra rendering threads. Works smoothly. Slateman
NTSC-U Windows 10
  • Ryzen 5700G @ 3.8Ghz
  • RTX 3060 Ti 8GB
1.7.5004 Vulkan (default) Default Set rendering resolution to at least 3x (1080p) for even pixel scaling of graphics/sprites. Zentester


  • Original names: ストリートファイターゼロ ファイターズ ジェネレーション (SLPM-66409) & (SLPM-66854)
  • Also known as Street Fighter Zero: Fighters Generation (JP)
  • Access the Progressive Scan menu by holding the cross and triangle keys together when the game boots up.

Known Issues

Extreme Lag, Distorted in-game graphics

  • Status: Fixed
  • Type: Major
  • Description: Games render very slowly even on high end hardware due to extreme amounts of texture uploads and draws.
  • Workaround: Update to the latest nightly version of PCSX2.

This has been fixed. Emulated games correctly render with the HW Vulkan renderer, as of latest nightly builds - 1.7.5004 tested. No configuration changes required.

UPDATE 11/19/24: This issue has (partially) resurfaced. Tested up to build 1.7.5900, no issues. The next version I tested was 1.7.5928, which reintroduced some distorted sprites at any rendering resolution above 1x. Newer versions like v2.3.x render sprites correctly in-game, some menu distortions/tiling remain. The game has a smooth framerate in both versions.

Uneven pixel rendering in-game sprites/graphics

  • Status: Active
  • Type: Minor
  • Description: At native resolution, the game renders graphics with uneven pixels, even with integer scaling enabled.
  • Workaround: No known workaround. Check the PCSX2 Discord for more information.

Set the Rendering resolution to at least 3x (1080p) for correct pixels. This only worked for specific nightly builds (like 1.7.5900). At 1x rendering you are stuck with uneven pixels, likely accurate to the original release.

UPDATE 11/19/24: Partially resolved again as of v2.3.x. Setting rendering resolution above 1x distorts certain menus and UI elements, but in-game sprites and graphics generally render correctly now.


Public compatibility forum links