PCSX2 Documentation/Compiling on Linux

Revision as of 06:09, 14 July 2020 by SHunter (talk | contribs) (Information on how to compile for Fedora)

The following is a guide on how to obtain and compile the PCSX2 source code on the Linux platform.

For a more in-depth guide on the PCSX2 build process, please refer to this guide here:

Obtaining the Source Code

PCSX2 is hosted on GitHub, a website where people can contribute to each others' programming projects using the Git version control software. GitHub is essentially just a showcase for your projects, to actually work on them you need to download and install Git itself.

  • Arch Linux: # pacman -S git
  • Debian: # apt-get install git
  • Fedora: # dnf install git

Next you are going to want to create a directory on your machine for the PCSX2 code to live in. For this example, let's say the directory you create is /home/you/workspace. You are going to want clone the remote PCSX2 repository like so:

<source lang="bash"> $ cd /home/you/workspace $ git clone https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2.git </source>

You are now making a copy of the remote repository into your own directory.

Setting up the Build System

PCSX2 uses the cmake build system to create project files and other things for multiple platforms, and GCC to compile on the linux platform.

32-bit compile on 64-bit machines


If you are running 64-bit Arch Linux, you are going to need to enable access to the multilib repository, so you can obtain 32-bit libraries. You can do this by uncommenting the following lines in /etc/pacman.conf: <source lang="apache"> [Multilib] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist </source>

Then, just run the following:

# pacman -S cmake gcc


It is important to note that you do not need to install gcc-c++.i686. Installing this package could result in some packages being downgraded, resulting in a broken g++ compiler.

The required packages to compile PCSX2 can be installed with:

# dnf install gcc-g++ glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++-devel.i686

Installing the Dependencies

PCSX2 relies on a number of 3rd party software libraries, so you are going to need to obtain those before you can compile the source code.

<source lang="bash"> lib32-alsa-lib lib32-bzip2 lib32-libjpeg lib32-glew lib32-nvidia-cg-toolkit lib32-portaudio lib32-sdl lib32-libaio lib32-wxgtk2.8 lib32-soundtouch sparsehash </source>


To obtain all the required dependencies for 32-bit compile on Fedora use:

# dnf install alsa-lib-devel.i686 libpcap-devel.i686 libxml2-devel.i686 freetype-devel.i686 xz-devel.i686 mesa-libGL-devel.i686 libpng-devel.i686 libaio-devel.i686 systemd-devel.i686 portaudio-devel.i686 soundtouch-devel.i686 SDL2-devel.i686 harfbuzz-devel.i686 wxGTK3-devel.i686 compat-wxGTK3-gtk2-devel.i686 gtk2-devel.i686 glib2-devel.i686

Compiling the Source

Note: On Arch Linux, you may need to explicitly specify to cmake where to find the config executables. You can do that by adding these flags into the build script:

<source lang="bash"> -DwxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE='/usr/bin/wx-config32-2.8' -DwxWidgets_wxrc_EXECUTABLE='/usr/bin/wxrc32-2.8' </source>

Now that we have installed all external libraries, it is time to compile the source code! To do that, we are going to run a shell script which automates the entire process.
<source lang="bash"> $ cd /home/you/workspace/pcsx2 $ sh build.sh </source>

Running the Binary

This process may take several minutes. Once it has finished, you should be able to run the pcsx2 binary:
<source lang="bash">$ ./bin/pcsx2-dev</source>

Additional external links