This is a stub article for useful download links related to PCSX2 (and maybe even unrelated to it). Add your links here to the old compiled PCSX2 revisions, plugins, links to sites related to PCSX2 and so on. Please remember: there's no place here for linking to warez sites or illegal content!

Official Links

  1. Latest unstable SVN releases for Windows. These downloads contain many bug fixes, performance and other enhancements compared to the latest stable release but they should still be considered of BETA quality.
  2. The official download page containing the latest stable release.

3rd Party Links

  1. Compiled versions of each SVN commit for Windows

Both sites found below feature a rating system to easily recognize "good" and "bad" emulators.

  1. (EN) One of the many emulator listing sites.
  2. (DE) Another one of those emulator listing sites.