Justice League Heroes

Developer(s): Snowblind Studios
Publisher(s): Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (US), Eidos Interactive (AU, EU)
Genre: Action, RPG
Wikipedia: Link
Game review links: IGN6.4/10, Metacritic68/100
Game description: Justice League Heroes is an action adventure game with role-playing customization featuring Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna and other unlockable Justice League super heroes. Each hero possesses an array of character-specific, upgradeable superpowers resulting in unique controls and fighting-styles. Engaging in one-to-two player cooperative combat, gamers are be able to customize and master these superpowers as they travel through interactive and destructible environments spanning the farthest corners of the universe.
Each level consists of two members of the Justice League battling a variety of villains and their henchmen. When the game is being played by a single player, the player can freely switch between both of the two Justice League members and play as whichever one he or she prefers.

Justice League Heroes

Game general and emulation properties:
ESRB rating: T (Fantasy Violence, Mild Language)
PEGI rating: 12+
OFLC rating: PG
Widescreen patch available
Supports up to two local players
Languages supported:
English: SLES-54423 & SLUS-21304
German: SLES-54423
French: SLES-54423
Spanish: SLES-54423
Italian: SLES-54423
Region NTSC-U:
Serial numbers: SLUS-21304
Release date: October 17, 2006
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?
Region PAL:
Serial numbers: SLES-54423
Release date: November 17, 2006 (Australia)
November 24, 2006
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?

Test configurations on Windows:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
NTSC-U Windows
  • I5 3330
  • HD radeon 6850
1.1.svn5817 GSDX
  • SPU2-X
  • ?
USA v02.20(10/02/2006), A little heavy in software mode, In Hardware mode only shown correctly half screen,but in software mode no problem, the game work fine,the screen its fine.
PAL Windows 10
  • Intel Core i5 4590 @3.3GHz
  • GTX1070
1.5.0 GSDX SPU2-X EE/IOP: Clamping mode: full, VUs: superVU, Clamping mode: Extra+preserve sign - thanks to that you avoid gfx garbage. Direct3D 11 Hardware, Native x4, Hardware hacks disabled. Runs at full speed Dante2685
NTSC-U Windows 10 x64
  • Intel Core i5-6200U @ 2.30GHz 8gb RAM
  • Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
  • v1.5.0 - dev-2174-g9c8a48f38
  • v1.7.0 - dev-138-gd1af8cd80
  • v1.5 2174


  • v1.7.0 138
  • SPU2-X
  • LilyPad
Playing on a Low end notebook. Cut-Scenes and Gameplay in gerenal are capped at 60 FPs with a sightly frame rate drop from time to time depending on the vfx showing on the screen or heavy loads.

••Note•• •v1.7 138 have better options to optimize cpu usage removing unnecessary rendering granting fps bonus for some chapters that required too much from the cpu. •Playing with 2 players doesn't impact in the performance at all. Change cycle VU stealing to 2 when the game requires it. most of them is fine when its set to 1.


Test configurations on Linux:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
? ?
  • ?
  • ?
? ? ? There are no test results for this game on Linux.
You can help by playing and submitting your test results here.

Test configurations on macOS:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
? ?
  • ?
  • ?
? ? ? There are no test results for this game on macOS.
You can help by playing and submitting your test results here.

Known Issues

Half Screen

  • Status: Fixed
  • Type: Minor
  • Description: In menu the game displays only half the screen (as shown in screenshot 2) in hardware mode.
  • Workaround: Update to the latest nightly version of PCSX2.
