Reservoir Dogs

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Reservoir Dogs

Game general and emulation properties:
ESRB rating: M (Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language)
PEGI rating: 18+
Widescreen supported natively
Languages supported:
English: SLES-53775 & SLUS-21479
French: SLES-53775 & SLUS-21479
Spanish: SLES-53775 & SLUS-21479
Italian: SLES-53775
Region NTSC-U:
Serial numbers: SLUS-21479
Release date: October 24, 2006
Windows Status: ?
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?
Region PAL:
Serial numbers: SLES-53775
Release date: August 25, 2006
CRCs: 36c11474
Windows Status: Playable
Linux Status: ?
Mac Status: ?

Developer(s): Volatile Games
Publisher(s): Eidos Interactive
Genre: Action, Adventure
Wikipedia: Link
Game review links: Metacritic50/100
Game description: Reservoir Dogs is based on the 1992 Quentin Tarantino-directed classic movie about five total strangers who are brought together to carry out a diamond heist. The robbery goes wrong when the alarm is tripped and the cops show up. In the ensuing confusion, four of the robbers make it back to their warehouse rendezvous but it is quickly apparent that one of them is an undercover police officer - but which one? Staying true to the original plot, this intense, third person shooter follows the progress and planning of the famed diamond heist while filling in some of the cliffhanger questions from the film: What happened to Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown? Where did Mr. Pink hide the diamonds? What actually happened at the heist? These questions and more will be answered as the game unfolds and according to the player's tactics. Players get to fill the shoes of each iconic character in the film as they relive the Reservoir Dogs experience complete with the movie's trademark style and wit. The game will also feature the full and original soundtrack from the movie - the super sounds of the seventies brought alive with the thematic "Little Green Bag", "Stuck in the Middle with You" and more.

Test configurations on Windows:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
PAL Windows 10 Pro x64 21H2
  • Intel i5-6600K @ 3.50 GHz (4 GPUs)
  • NVidia RTX 2060 16GB
v1.7.3375 Software, HW Mode (Vulkan) Cubeb Quick test done to check a new PR. Only played through the first tutorial level. Hardware mode will show opaque lines in the Pause menu and during the Bullet Fest mode. IlDucci

Test configurations on Linux:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
? ?
  • ?
  • ?
? ? ? There are no test results for this game on Linux.
You can help by playing and submitting your test results here.

Test configurations on macOS:

Environment Configurations Comments Tester
Region OS CPU/GPU Revision Graphics Sound/Pad
? ?
  • ?
  • ?
? ? ? There are no test results for this game on macOS.
You can help by playing and submitting your test results here.

Known Issues

Opaque lines during the Pause menu and Bullet Fest mode (Hardware mode)

  • Status: Active
  • Type: Minor
  • Description: When the screen is using a postprocessing effect, opaque lines will show up.
  • Workaround: Unfixable without software mode until ~v1.7.5650. Presently, setting 'Texture Inside RT' to 'Inside Target' fixes it, and this will be added to the GameDB in the near future. For older versions of PCSX2, use Software mode.
  • Last tested on: v1.7.5670


Public compatibility forum links